Sometimes things happen right in front of you and you have no clue what is going on. Today is Red Cup day at Starbucks. Being a long-time Starbucks customer and...
Sometimes the most random, but fun, ideas at the most random times. Yesterday, while at Disneyland (not Starbucks) I thought of a new way to have even more adventures at...
I see lots of DisneyBounding when visiting Disneyland. Almost weekly I see some clever outfit themed to a Disney character when visiting the happiest place on Earth! Today, however, I...
I see a lot of first dates at Starbucks. They are almost always awkward and quite often they don't go super well. Generally this makes it very entertaining to watch...
Sometimes the simplest things can be the most amusing. I haven't had an afternoon to sit at Starbucks, drink some coffee, and watch the world go by in quite some...
There are always interesting things happening at Starbucks. For example, today I walked into my local Starbucks and found a guy wearing shorts, t-shirt, and a jacket sitting at a...
You never know what you are going to see when you visit Starbucks. Today, for example, an older gentleman (that's a loosely used term in this case) walked into Starbucks...
There are always fascinating people to come across when visiting Starbucks. Today's fascinating person is currently a crossing guard who aspires to be a cop. He came in over an...